The Divine Magnet

What is it that causes God to look your way?
What is the Divine attention-getter?
The simple answer is:  your faith.

Faith is that invisible confidence that something other than what you presently see exists.
It is the internal belief system planted by God in every human being.
Faith is the ability to believe.
Faith is your Divine magnet - it draws the attention of God to you.

What the Bible teaches us about faith:

  1. Your faith is an invisible substance.  Hebrews 11:1
  2. You already possess the seed of faith within you.  Romans 12:3
  3. Whenever you use your faith, it pleases the heart of God.  Hebrews 11:6
  4. You will change your circumstances when you change the direction of your believing.  Mark 9:23
  5. Your biggest mountain will succumb to your smallest seed of faith.  Matthew 17:20 
How do we recharge our Divine Magnet to increase our faith?

    Faithi iFi

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