•   Jesus Stayed Ahead of the Curve
The Old Testament was finishing and the New Testament was beginning.
Jesus represents a new way of living, not just a new religion.
He upset all the sacred cows, and He will mess with yours too. He taught:
1.  Forgiveness over punishment
2.  Love over hate
3.  Spirit over the letter of the law
4.  Generosity over greed
5.  Restoration over alienation

No more eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.  If you see your brother in a sin or weak moment, love him, forgive him, restore him in love.

God Kept Israel Ahead of the Curve
   The Cloud in the Wilderness
When the cloud started to move, Israel had to move too. 
Sometime we watch God move instead of joining Him.

How to Stay Ahead of the Curve
1.      Be open to something new.
·  Remember average is the pathway to decay.
·  Joseph - Gen 39
a.  He saw each situation as a new opportunity.
b.  At Potipha’s house, he was in charge of the household. Gen 39:2
c.  He was under the prison warden as an overseer of the prisoners. 
     Gen 39:20

Build on your current successes and your apparent failures.

2.       Develop the ability to see beyond where you are.
·   You must know that there is more ahead of you than you think.  
    Failure will cause you to be  afraid of the future.
·   Like Israel, plan to establish and prosper in the middle of your captivity.
·   Vision is the key to your future.

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